A Note from the Publisher
I wish to thank all subscribers for their support of this new publication. It is gratifying to report that subscriptions have been received from almost forty states! This geographic representation is much wider than I had anticipated. It is noteworthy that most subscribers who live outside New England and with whom I have spoken, are not trans-plants. They came to an appreciation of Hugh Robertson’s ceramics on their own; they did not grow up in households where parents or grandparents had table settings of Dedham Pottery.
A number of readers have contacted me with interesting pieces of information and, in some cases, photographs. I hope this exchange of information continues and expands.Toward this end, I am including my toll-free number to encourage the circulation of ideas and historical data. Thank you again for your interest.
—Jim Kaufman
Dedham Historical Society Press Release Dr. Hawes’ 1968 book now being reprinted
Dr. Lloyd E. Hawes Remembered
Ceramic historian’s work continues to teach.
Quarterly Spotlight: The “Wild Rose” and other pattern name questions
Building a Reference Library
Document #2: The company’s January 1942 price list ..