Estates & Valuations
Valuing Dedham Pottery® is difficult for most people. There is not a lot available at any given moment and the values for individual items vary greatly depending upon rarity. Jim Kaufman is the recognized authority on Dedham Pottery. If you have pieces that need to be valued, please consult with Jim.
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Design rarity greatly impacts the value
The value of an individual piece of Dedham Pottery is largely determined by the rarity of the particular design, uniformity of the crackleware glaze, artistry, and condition.
The Dedham Pottery rabbit design became the company’s most popular pattern (and eventually its logo), but over the years, more than seventy-five designs emerged. Designs produced in limited quantities are now cherished and high-priced treasures.
Collecting strategies vary. Some seek only the rabbit design, while others compete vigorously with other collectors to gather as many differing designs as they can find and afford.